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Orinda Union School District

A Learning Community that Inspires, Engages, and Supports All Students

Orinda Union School District

A Learning Community that Inspires, Engages, and Supports All Students

Bullying, Harassment, Discrimination Prevention

Bullying, Harassment, Discrimination Prevention

The Orinda Union School District is committed to protecting students and preventing discrimination on our campuses. OUSD believes that our students and staff have the right to be free of bullying, intimidation and harassment while on any of our campuses or associated with any school/district related activity. In accordance with these beliefs and commitments, OUSD has adopted Board Policy 5145.3.
"Bullying/Harassment/Discrimination" is defined as: physical, verbal, nonverbal or written conduct that is so severe and pervasive that it affects a student's ability to participate in or benefit from an education program or activity; creates an intimidating, threatening, hostile, or offensive educational environment; has the effect of substantially or unreasonably interfering with a student's academic performance; or otherwise adversely affects a student's educational opportunities.
Whether the behavior takes place at home, in the community, or online, the harmful effects of inappropriate behavior, including threats and bullying, can be felt on our campuses.

Orinda USD Reporting System

Orinda USD is committed to partnering with our families, students, staff and community to provide an effective way to take action.
In our District, we tell our community that “if you see something, or know something, say something.” If you have witnessed bullying, are a victim of threats or bullying, or are aware of or concerned about threats or bullying incidents that might take place, please report the information. You may file the report using our anonymous tip line, by calling the school or district, or reporting in person to any staff member.  
When you make a report using the WeTip anonymous tip and bully report, you can remain anonymous, or you have the option to identify yourself and communicate with the administration.
Anonymous tip line reports are received by administration when they are filed and are reviewed as soon as possible. All reports are taken seriously and are acted upon in a timely manner. As each incident is different, each will warrant a different reaction and timeline for action.
By submitting the online report, you declare under the laws of the State of California that your enclosed statements are true and correct.
For those who feel threatened or know of someone who feels threatened by violence, the Contra Costa Crisis Center has set up a hotline with access to counselors 7 days a week.
HOTLINE: 1-800-833-2900

Report It

All students, employees, parents and community members should report incidents of suspected bullying/harassment/ discrimination immediately by using the OUSD WeTIP anonymous tip and bully form.