OUSD Funding Information
Funding Model Overview
Orinda USD is funded through a state funding model known as the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). LCFF was enacted in 2012-2013 and it replaced a 40-year funding model known as Revenue Limit.
Components of the LCFF funding formula:
- LCFF Base Grant - all districts receive LCFF base funding
- Supplemental Grant - in addition to the LCFF base, funding is allocated based on the percentage of "unduplicated students" living in the district:
- Low-income students
- English learners
- Foster or homeless
- Concentration Grant - additional funding is allocated to districts that have >55% of students who are low-income or English learners or foster or homeless youth.

Considering the Orinda USD population, the LCFF formula has the following implications on the district's funding:
- LCFF Base Funding:
- ~2,500 students with grade span adjustment and some additional funds for TK and K-3 grade levels. OUSD does not have high schools and therefore does not receive 9-12 grade-level funding.
- Supplemental Funding:
- Orinda USD has ~5% of "unduplicated students" - one of the lowest rates in the State, resulting in minimal supplemental funding from the state.
- Concentration Grant:
- Orinda USD does not receive concentration grant funds.
Due to the effects of the LCFF formula Orinda USD has been one of the lowest districts in Contra Costa County in per-student funding.

Local Revenues
To supplement being underfunded by the state, Orinda USD depends on local community support to provide strong academic programs.
Local Revenues:
- Parent donations through ONE Orinda
- ONE provides ~9% of the District's revenue.
- ONE supports class size reduction, core and elective courses, technology, instructional aids, and more. Please visit the ONE website for details.
- Parcel Tax; Measures A, B, and Z
- Measures A and B provide ~14% of the District's revenue.
- Please visit our parcel tax page for current parcel tax information.
To offset the ongoing lack of state funding, the Orinda USD Board of Trustees has placed Measure Z on the March 7, 2023, ballot. Measure Z would cost property owners $295 per property per year, for seven years. Measure Z would support:
- The ability to attract and retain high-quality staff.
- There is nothing more important in the education of our children than having high-quality educators. Due to the lack of funding, OUSD is unable to offer competitive compensation. OUSD teachers are currently one of the lowest paid in the area.
- Quality Programming
- Programming such as excellent instruction and new and evidence-based curricula is crucial to the success of our students.
- Small Class Sizes
- OUSD wants to be able to continue offering small class sizes while costs are increasing.
The proposed Measure Z local school parcel tax would require strict fiscal accountability protections to ensure funds are spent as promised, including:
- An independent citizens' oversight committee and mandatory annual audits
- All funds must stay in Orinda to support local schools and cannot be taken away by the State
- No funds may be used for administrator salaries or benefits
- Senior citizens and low-income people with disabilities are eligible for an exemption